

4.250 kr.

Falleg bók um íslenska fugla fyrir alla fjölskylduna, nú einnig fáanleg á ensku. Spéfuglarnir Hjörleifur Hjartarson og Rán Flygenring draga fram helstu sérkenni fuglanna í máli og myndum án þess að taka sig of alvarlega og niðurstaðan er einstök og óvenjuleg en um leið fræðandi bók um íslenska fugla.

This is not what you'd call a great field guide for identifying birds. Its illustrations are badly drawn, and its text is full of biases and affectations. You should keep that in mind while reading. But if you’'re interested in provocative stories about Icelandic birds' inclination for endangerment, penchant for pageantry, and addiction to amatory adventures – not to mention all their quirks of character and personal peccadillos – well then: this is the book for you.

Fun-loving Hjörleifur Hjartarson and Rán Flygenring give readers a bird's eye view of the most prominent characteristics of every Icelandic bird in word and image, and thankfully, never take themselves too seriously in the process. The result is a unique, unusual, and nevertheless informative encyclopedia of Icelandic birds. Birds was nominated for the Icelandic Literature Prize. It received the Reykjavík Children's Book Prize for best illustration and was chosen the best Children's book of the year by booksellers in Iceland.

A beautiful book on Icelandic birds in English for age group 5–105 years.

  • Fuglar, Hjörleifur Hjartarson and Rán Flygenring
  • Translated by Larissa Kyzer, 2018
  • Designed by Studio Studio
  • Soft cover with flaps, 140 x 187 mm
  • 184 blaðsíður